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Friday, December 24, 2010

Fantastic Four to become slightly-less-fantastic Three!

Please don’t let it be Chris Evans. Please don’t let it be Chris Evans. Please don’t let it be Chris Evans…

If Christmas wishes really do come true then we’ve just made ours. News is out today that comic superheroes the Fantastic Four are going to be a man (or woman) down from January onwards when publishers Marvel kill off one of the characters for good!

As comic book aficionados will know, Issue 587 will be out in January with all four characters having already been left in life threatening positions in the last edition. One of them kicks the bucket for sure, but Marvel aren’t letting on whether it will be Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch or The Thing.

We, of course, are more worried about the next Fantastic Four films… because there’s currently a 25% chance that we’re going to be deprived of seeing Chris Evans (Human Torch), and that’s just not on!

Jessica Alba, of course, plays Invisible Woman, Ioan Gruffudd plays Mr. Fantastic and Mike Chiklis plays The Thing. "It's a story that will have a transformative effect on these characters - virtually nothing will be the same after the events of this story," says Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, "And that was the reason to go this route - to bring about these seismic changes to the characters and to the series."

Ok Tom, that all sounds great. Now please, just don’t kill off Chris Evans’ character the Human Torch…

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