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Sunday, February 6, 2011

GG Team : Can A Promiscuous Lady Become An House Wife?

Lets be real!!! Can you turn a whore into an house wife? Promiscuous


  1. a whore 4 a wife?? Wow...
    i think a whore will always be a whore....n' her past will haunt her which might affect d marriage
    n' wit dos baD reputation she has ....puh leese

  2. How exactly d'u define a whore? Is it the so-called decent girl by fronting but truly she'll sleep wit her man, his friends, bros and even dad? But ofcourse u'll never find out until u bring her from the village or wherever she is and marry her into ur house. Or is it the girl who yes sleeps around but is honest about it? See, what people don't understand is dat a girl like dis who u call a whore and say she'll never change; will if she meets a guy who sincerely loves her and will not break her heart. And if she changes for u, well u found urself a dine. Cos she'll bring everything u go to look 4 outside home to u. Both sex, decency and extra.


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